We have lots of different trek options suitable to all experience levels, from nervous beginners through to experienced riders. But what if you don’t know what ride is best suited to your experience or how to describe or figure out your experience level? Not to worry, have a read below and you might get an idea about where you might sit.

Still feeling lost about what trek to pick? Get in touch and we would love to help you!


A nervous beginner has little to no experience with horses and does not feel comfortable on or around them. You may have ridden once or twice, but not feeling confident on a horse. You may have been led on your previous ride or had a bad experience in the past. If this sounds like you, then these experiences are designed for you! These rides will allow you to gain some confidence, while also being able to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery.


A confident beginner may or may not have some experience with horses. If you classify yourself as a confident beginner, you are not fearful of horses or feel nervous about riding a horse. You may have some experience horse trekking with a company in the past or ridden as a child. You will have the confidence to use a persuasive aid when required with your horse, even though you may lack the experience. These rides are suited to beginners who are not too nervous and they do not require any prior horse riding experience to join them!


For our experienced rides, we ask that our riders classify themselves as either an intermediate or experienced rider. Generally you are a rider who has taken lessons, or trained under a mentor for a while or owns a horse and rides frequently. You ride in a specific discipline, or have experience in several disciplines and may compete in these fields. You know how to ask and obtain a specific lead or change in lead, post to a trot and canter comfortably. You would be capable of riding less experienced horses and helping those horses in their training. We understand that experience levels vary greatly, the more information you give us at the time of booking the better. We match up horses to experience levels.